10 clever Software Testing Hacks to snack in 10 Minutes

10 clever Software Testing Hacks to snack in 10 Minutes

September 25, 2024

There are infinitely many testing hacks, tips, and best practices on the web.

But to read them all, you would also need an infinite amount of time.

Who has that?

To make it easier and more efficient for you, Pascal shares the most relevant tips and hacks every week on our LinkedIn channel, inspired by requests and challenges from our clients.

We've selected the 10 most popular tips and hacks of the first quarter of 2024!

In just 10 minutes of reading time, you'll be rid of 10 problems.

5 Hints for Software Testers To Position Yourself  Irreplaceably

Do you want to stand out in Testing? If you position yourself in the right way, AI won't replace you!

👉 Here's how no one in your company will want to do without you as a tester anymore!

4 Testing Advice That You Should Take Seriously

Ask 10 testing experts for advice, and you'll get 11 responses...

That doesn't make it easy to select what you should really pay attention to and what you can ignore. Pascal helps you to select the relevant ones.

👉 You can really believe these four pieces of testing advice.

5 Rules Not To Follow

Unfortunately, there are also rules in software testing that prevent you from innovating and that you should really forget right now. One of them is that testing is just a phase. Omg, how outdated!

👉Here are the five testing rules to break because they hinder your success.

A Surprising Tool To Help You Exchange Files

Exchanging files is very important for software testing in different places, but often, problems arise like being on different networks or having strict access rules. A popular method helps solve this by making it easy to connect network drives and removing the hassle of needing special access permissions.

👉 Find out how to transfer files to and from your test environment

OMG! The Best Test Report Ever!

Test reports are crucial because they ensure software quality, provide transparency, support decision-making, and document compliance with regulatory requirements.

Pascal Gyger has developed a comprehensive test report template that covers execution times, interactions, and test data to enhance efficiency in the testing process.

👉You nail that perfect test report, too, with this guide!

Emotional Intelligence And Exploratory Testing

Emotional intelligence is always a good base for testing, and it's particularly important that you use it in exploratory testing.

Why? By integrating emotional intelligence into exploratory testing, you'll not only impress your boss but also the user. You can better anticipate user needs and refine products in a way that creates a genuine human connection, significantly enhancing the user experience.

👉 Navigate the uncertain waters of exploratory testing with ease (and EQ)

Bypass the Authenticator App On The Mobile Device

2FA (Two-Factor Authentication)is sometimes a test automation nightmare. Imagine this: You're testing a system, but you've no access to the authenticator app in the test case.

Pascal has created a 3-step guide on replacing the authentication app on a mobile device with an OTP API to generate the OTP (one-time password) for login.

👉 With these 3 steps, you overcome the 2FA dilemma in test automation

Solve any PDF Testing Problem With These Steps

Can a PDF cause reputation damage to a company? The answer is YES!

Imagine receiving a bill for €9990 instead of €999. Firstly, you get palpitations due to the high amount, and secondly, you have to spend time getting the bill corrected.

Are you still in favor of this company then? It happens so quickly that clients harbor negative emotions about a company after such a scenario.

👉 Prevent reputation damage by testing the values outlined in PDFs using Pascal's guide

5 Charming Steps for PDF Layout Testing

Another way a PDF can do harm (oh yes, some of them are really bad 😈):

If the PDF layout's all messed up and the address block doesn't fit the envelope window, the entire print run is trash-bound. This is an ecological misstep you can spare your employer with PDF layout testing.

👉 Use this bulletproof PDF layout testing strategy

Some Testers Excel at Test Design And Some Don't. Learn Why!

"What exactly should we be testing in our app?" This is a frequently asked, well-considered question that Pascal has often heard in discussions with clients.

This is reason enough for him to share with you the software test design strategies that work excellently with his clients!

👉 Find out here which four steps brilliant testers use to create their test designs

Now, give yourself a pat on the back; you've just learned a ton!

If you want to get well-selected software testing tips and hacks in your LinkedIn feed every week, be sure to follow our LinkedIn channel and activate the notification bell.